Call Us Today!  03 323 8656

     Polygraph Interview Experts

New Zealands "Number One"
Lie Detection Agency 

The only Private Investigation service in New Zealand specialising in Lie Detector Tests aka Polygraph Examinations

Call Us Now!
If you are looking for a secure way to ensure correct information, trustworthy results and answers to your questions, then you can trust in Lie Detector New Zealand. Using the latest computerised “polygraph” equipment to conduct testing with all testing conducted by a fully trained and certified examiner. The process is professional, private, and confidentiality is assured.

Lie Detector New Zealand was recently granted permission to enter and test an inmate in a Correctional Facility, which is a first for New Zealand. We have subsequently conducted other tests in a correctional facility.

Comments from clients and examinee's:
(Names & identifiers have been withheld for privacy reasons)

Thanks Barry. You confirmed all my suspicions. You're a legend, I owe you big time.

She has been denying cheating on me for years. After failing her test with you she came home and confessed to me. She has now left me. I just wish I had contacted your earlier. Great job.

Thank you Barry you have been great throughout this very trying time. Regards 
Oh wow! This is amazing. Thank you again Barry, I cannot begin to thank you enough for all you did for us and the care you did it with. Regards 
Thank you so much for what you do, you provide an awesome service. Kind regards 

Thank you for your excellent results, I hope I am getting nearer to knowing the full truth of (name) behaviour over the last few years. While not understanding why he/she did all that! Thank you again  
Thank you so much. As a result of the test (name) has confessed to the (behaviour withheld) 
Thank you for your excellent work       

I was very nervous to begin with but you made it very comfortable for me – thank you 

Hi Barry I owe you a big apology for doubting you and your polygraph. I was convinced (name) had stolen the money and was shocked when he passed the Lie Detector test but as it turned out it was I who had misplaced the money and it wasn’t stolen. So I am truely sorry.    

Wonderful service, very professional indeed       

It’s great. More people should know of this service 

40 Years of Investigative Experience

Lie Detector New Zealand's office is based in Christchurch conveniently located only 10 minutes drive from the airport and within close proximity to quality accommodation establishments. 

All testing is conducted in a relaxed friendly environment in our privately owned customised office. Warmth, privacy, quietness and confidentiality is assured. 

Testing throughout the country is also available if required but all travel associated costs need to be included to the test cost. 

Lie Detector New Zealand has been in the NZ Polygraph industry in New Zealand longer than any other Polygraph service. It is owned and operated by its principal polygraph examiner, Barry Newman. 

Barry is a NZ former police officer and is currently a licensed Private Investigator and certified forensic psycho-physiology examiner (polygraph examiner).

Barry is the only former Police Officer and Private Investigator in New Zealand who is qualified and able to offer this unique service.

He also holds qualifications in basic and advanced Post Conviction Sexual Offender Testing (PCSOT) with the polygraph. 

You can rest assured you will receive expert service and advice as Barry has over 47 years of investigative and interviewing experience dealing with a variety of allegations relating to all issues of honesty and integrity. Contact Barry today and he will answer all your questions about the services that he provides.

What is a Lie Detector Test?

The “lie detector” is the common name given to the “polygraph examination”. These tests are ideal for peace of mind for any situation involving issues of honesty and integrity whether it be for individuals or the corporate and business sector E.g.
Sexual abuse
Historical sexual allegations
ACC claims
Sexual harassment
Sexual addictions
Porn addictions
Online activities
Drug use
Steroid use & banned methods
Disclosure Statements
Commercial Investigations
Criminal/Civil investigations
and .......... more.

The polygraph test is based on key pertinent questions asked of a subject which only require a yes or no answer.  During a test the subject’s physiology is monitored and any movements in his/her cardio activity, electro dermal activity and breathing are recorded on a moving computerised chart. These charts and data are subsequently analysed to make a determination as to truthfulness or deception.

The time for the entire test process will vary and is dependent upon the complexity and number of issues to be addressed. Typically 2.5  to 3 hours can be expected for 3 series of tests.
Lie detector polygraph

A 3 Stage Test

Accused preparing for polygraph test
Pre-test interview 
A Consent & Indeminity  form are signed and general information is obtained from the subject. 

The polygraph process and equipment is explained to the examinee; all questions that are intended to be asked during the polygraph test are confirmed and reviewed with the examinee. 

There are no trick or surprise questions. No questions will be asked in a test that have not been discussed, fully reviewed and agreed upon with the examinee before hand.
Lady during polygraph test
The polygraph test 
At the commencement of this stage the examinee will have the polygraph components attached to their body on the outside of their clothing. 

These components include two pneumographs (to monitor cardio and thorasic breathing), cardio cuff (to monitor heart rate and blood pressure) and finger sensor cuffs (to monitor electro dermal activity). 
All testing with Lie Detector New Zealand is "Specific Single Issue" testing. This is the most accurate and reliable form of all testing.
There are other forms of testing which can be conducted but these are "Screening" tests and generally considered less accurate due to the potential for cross thought contamination.

Test question process:
The main test question is put into a test with 7 other questions. These 7 other questions will be discussed on the day but they are basically a combination of neutral, Control/ Comparison and Symptomatic questions. That test is run 3 times and makes up Series 1.
A second and third main test question are treated exactly as above and then complete series 2 & 3.
Due to the thorough but repetitive nature of testing, three series is the limit for one session.
Polygraph chart during polygraph test
Chart analysis 
At the completion of the testing stage the examinee's charts will be shown and explained, analysed and a preliminary verbal result given. 

A final analysis and result will be conducted subsequently and if necessary a  comprehensive written report will be prepared. 

Accuracy of the Tests

Over the last few decades, polygraph tests have proven to be one of the most powerful, robust and useful scientific tools and investigative aids in Relationships, Criminal and Civil investigations, Pre-Employment and Personnel screening and more....

Lie detector testing using the polygraph has been in use in the United States for almost one hundred years and is now widely used throughout the world. It is routinely used in almost all major investigations in advanced countries employing this forensic tool.
Whilst nothing is 100% accurate, the polygraph at 96% - ranks much higher than other investigative aids such as DNA, Police  Fingerprinting (28%), hand writing and witness evidence.

Note: The notion that the the Lie Detector and its evidence is inadmissible in New Zealand Criminal & Civil courts is totally incorrect. Only a Court Judge can decide as to its admissibility and this is considered on a case by case basis, primarily whether or not the evidence could be substantially helpful.
Man's finger connected with polygraph test wire
For More Information On Our Testing Services, Call 03 323 8656
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